Herbal Remedies for Dry Skin in Dogs

It is common for dogs to have dry skin during the colder months of the year. This is mainly due to dry indoor heat. There are several steps you can take as a dog owner to take care of your dog's dry skin and even avoid dry skin altogether. There are herbal remedies to try that have been proven effective in relieving itchy dry skin.

  1. Herbal Remedies

    • Excessive bathing can make your dog's skin dry and itch because bathing strips away the natural oils found in on his skin. Mix a teaspoon of dried sage, a teaspoon of thyme and a pinch of Epsom salts in the bath water to soothe your dog's dry skin. You can also use cold chamomile tea to rinse your dog off after washing him. If your dog has certain spots on him that are worse than others, use the juice from an aloe vera plant to help heal those areas.

      Allergens are often the culprit of itchy dry skin. Tea tree oil cleans allergens off the skin and is a known antiseptic agent so applying a small amount of tea tree oil to your dog's skin often will help keep his skin healthy.

    Additional Tips

    • In addition to herbal remedies there are other ways to prevent and treat your dog's dry skin. Don't bathe him too often and when you do, make sure you use shampoo and conditioner that is made for dogs. Never use shampoos made for humans or soaps, such as dish detergents, as they are too harsh and do not have the correct pH level for dogs. Be sure your dog is drinking enough water throughout the day so he stays hydrated which helps the skin stay naturally moisturized.

      Vitamin E has excellent moisturizing properties and can be used topically to keep your dog's skin from becoming too dry. Vitamin E is also safe if ingested and therefore can be given to your dog orally as well. Fish oil will hydrate your dog's skin and also help his skin develop important essential oils. You can use fish oil as a topical liquid and brush it throughout his coat or you can buy fish oil capsules and have your dog take them orally.