What Is the Correct Dosage for Omega 3 Oil for Dogs?

Canine skin and coat problems, such as scratching and excessive shedding, are outward signs of a nutritional deficiency. Introducing essential fatty acids (EFAs) like omega-3 into a dog's diet can help alleviate these conditions.

  1. Types

    • Omega-3 is an EFA, which is a beneficial fat found only in foods. Omega-6 is another EFA. These oils are not produced by the body.

    Expert Insight

    • Pet nutrition expert Andi Brown says "there are two types of EFAs: omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and both are necessary in a healthy pet diet." Omega-3 is found in cold-water fish, like mackerel and sardines. Omega-6 is found in foods such as vegetable oils, poultry and eggs.


    • EFA supplements should consist of a 1 percent omega-3, and 2 percent omega-6 ratio. Dogs only utilize two omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).


    • To find the optimum dosage of liquid or pill supplements, ask your veterinarian. Dosages depend on your dog's size and health history.


    • Changes can often be seen between six and eight weeks after the first dose. Healthy coats, less itching and a stronger immune system are just some of the results.