How to Give Sentinel to a Dog With Heartworms

Sentinel is a once-a-month heartworm preventative given to dogs. The active ingredient in Sentinel is milbemycin oxime, which is different than the ivermectin-based heartworm preventatives on the market today. Milbemycin oxime's main mode of action is to kill circulating heartworm larvae. Depending on age, health status and heartworm load, dogs may have an adulticide treatment performed, or may be given Sentinel to keep the larvae population under control until the adult worms die naturally.


  1. How to Give Sentinel to a Dog With Heartworms

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      Take your dog to the veterinarian and have him tested for heartworms. The veterinarian will perform two tests, an antigen test and a filter test. The antigen test will detect whether the antigen for heartworms is present in the blood. The filter test will detect the presence of larvae. These tests will allow the veterinarian determine the best method of treatment.

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      Get a diagnosis and treatment plan. Dogs that are heartworm positive can be treated in one of two ways. An adulticide can be given that will kill the adult worms and allow the body to break them down and eliminate them. The danger with this is that dogs can have an adverse reaction to the dying worms, especially if the worm load is large or the dog is in poor health. On the other hand, the dog can be given Sentinel, which will kill the larvae circulating in the bloodstream and the adults will eventually die off on their own. The major drawback with this process is that dogs can have a similar adverse reaction if the larvae die in large numbers.

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      Begin dosing with Sentinel. If the veterinarian determines that Sentinel is the treatment of choice, give your dog the recommended doses on a monthly basis. Sentinel will go to work, killing the larvae in the blood while also killing any other internal parasites like hookworms, roundworms or whipworms, and will also begin to sterilize any immature fleas, halting flea infestations as well.

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      Hide the Sentinel tablet in a treat and offer to the dog. This is the easiest way to get the dog to consume the medicine. You can hide it in any number of favorite treats from peanut butter to cheese to hot dogs.

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      Continue follow up visits with the veterinarian. Dogs that are being treated for heartworms with Sentinel should be monitored closely for signs of adverse reactions as well as for progress. Make sure to keep any scheduled appointments and report any changes to your dog's health or symptoms to your vet right away.