Remedies for Pet Diarrhea

Just like their human owners, pets also can get diarrhea. The reasons for the condition may vary from species to species, but one thing remains constant. Diarrhea upsets the delicate constitution of any pet. Unfortunately, the condition can also symbolize a more serious underlying health issue. It is for this reason that certain steps should be taken to ensure the proper diarrhea treatment.

  1. Dogs and Cats

    • There are established procedures for dealing with diarrhea in dogs and cats. Feline Express advises keeping cats inside during the process to ensure diet regulation.

      Check the animal's feces for blood or worms recommends Daily Puppy. If nothing is found, begin fasting the animal. Best Pet Home Remedies advises that adult pets can fast for 24 hours while puppies and kittens should be limited to 15. Do not, however, withhold water since it could cause dehydration. If necessary, force feed it with an eyedropper.

      The next option is to put an electrolyte-balancing agent like Gatorade or Pedialyte into the water, if approved by the vet. Follow his dosing and timing recommendations. The vet may also suggest the introduction of good bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract. For dogs, mix the recommended amount in cottage cheese, plain yogurt or pumpkin. For cats, plain yogurt works best.

      Feed a dog a small bland diet of scrambled eggs, boiled potato, ground boiled chicken, oatmeal or white rice. For cats, cooked hamburger mixed with equal parts of rice is recommended. Continue this diet roughly every six hours until the animal's stools return to normal. After that, slowly begin weaning it back into a regular diet and routine.

      According to Dog Diarrhea, some vets allow use of over-the-counter medicines like Imodium AD, Kaopectate or Pepto Bismol. Follow the vet's instructions with regard to dosage amounts and timing. If nothing works or the pet becomes worse, take him into the vet's office.

    Rabbit Diarrhea

    • Diarrhea is dangerous for rabbits because they often don̵7;t consume enough water. The Nature Trail Rabbitry recommends immediate rehydration using a solution made of 1/2 cup water, 1 tsp. of sugar, 1/8 tsp. of baking soda and a few grains of salt. Dispense the solution with an eyedropper every two hours.

      As the rabbit improves, introduce oats into the diet along with the solution. The final step is to feed the animal baby food carrots and replace the solution with plain water.

      If this process does not work or the animal becomes more ill, immediately call the vet.

    Other Rodent Diarrhea

    • For these pets diarrhea usually results from eating too many vegetables. Hamster Terrific states the best way to treat the condition is to remove vegetables from the diet while introducing dry grains. Continue the dry grains until bowel movements normalize.

      If the condition does not improve within a few days, take the animal to the vet.