How to Recognize Symptoms of Poisoning in Pets

For many of us our pets are valued members of our families. We love them and are devastated when they become ill. There are several substances that are poisonous to pets. Some of the most common poisons are cleaning products, antifreeze and insecticides. There are several plants that can be toxic to pets as well. Time is essential in treating a poisoned pet which is why it is so important to be able to recognize the symptoms.


  1. How to Recognize the Symptoms of Pet Poisoning

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      There may be a marked change in the personality of a pet that is suffering from poisoning. The pet may become somewhat aggressive or act in a manner contrary to his normal behavior. A dog's bark or a cat's meow may sound different, even frantic signaling that the animal is in distress.

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      Your pet may drool excessively. A pet that has been poisoned may vomit and/or have diarrhea.

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      There may be tenderness in the stomach area. This is noticeable when touching the stomach or upon trying to pick up the pet.

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      A poisoned pet may have difficulty standing or walking. The animal may stumble or sway to the side. There may be a noticeable unsteadiness in the gait. If such unsteadiness occurs move your pet to a safe place where he cannot fall down stairs and suffer any further injury.

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      Your pet may begin to convulse and/or lose consciousness. Don't try to hold your pet down as you may cause injury to a limb. Move objects away from the pet so that no further injury occurs.