Can Heart Worms Be Passed to Other Dogs?

Heartworms are a parasite that can take up residence in the heart and lungs of an infected animal. Heartworms, if left untreated, can cause massive amounts of damage to a pet's internal organs.

  1. Transmittion

    • Heartworms are transmitted to dogs through bites from infected mosquitos. Heartworms are spread when a mosquito bites an infected animal then bites another animal passing the infected blood along.


    • It is a myth that dogs pass heartworm to one another. Dogs infected with heartworms are not directly contagious to other dogs.

      Rarely, a mother dog has passed heartworm larvae to her babies. A mother dog cannot pass heartworm immunity on to puppies.


    • Ask your veterinarian for a heartworm preventative for your canine companion.

      Heartworm infestation and heartworm disease can be prevented with medications available in the form of pills or injections.


    • Treatment for heartworm is expensive and it does not always work. Prevention is the best course of action.


    • Heartworm disease can be fatal, especially in older dogs. If a heartworm infestation is suspected, take the dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible.