How to Keep Dogs Cool in the Heat

Staying cool during the hot and humid days of summer is important for pets as well as their owners. Dogs can suffer from sunburn, dehydration and overheating just like humans, but unlike humans they cannot tell when they have had too much heat. There are simple precautions you can take to ensure your canine friend stays happy and healthy when the temperatures soar.

Things You'll Need

  • Tip-proof water bowl
  • Ice packs
  • Cooling bed
  • Cooling collar or bandanna


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      Take your pet with you when you leave your car. People think that their errand will only take a couple of minutes but someone they know can distract them or the lines can be long inside a store. It is better to leave your pet at home than in a parked car in the summer.

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      Freshen your dog̵7;s drinking water a few times each day if it is kept outdoors for long periods of time. Water can become too hot for the dog to drink within a couple of hours when the sun is really blazing. Leave an outdoor faucet dripping and keep your dog's tip-proof water bowl in the shade if you cannot give it cool water during the day because you are at work.

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      Bring your dog indoors during the hottest part of the day. If you work during the day and cannot trust it to be in the house all day by itself, provide a doghouse that is under a shade tree or a portion of the yard that does not get the afternoon sun, or keep it kenneled in the house.

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      Monitor your dog closely if you are at an outdoor event, on the beach or at the lake. Dogs can become excited in unfamiliar environments and may overtax themselves. Coax your dog to take rest periodically and to sit under a shade tree or patio umbrella with you every hour or so. Give your pet cool water while it is resting, and be sure it doesn't drink too much too quickly.