How to Buy A Dog Wheelchair

A dog wheelchair is a mobile device for dogs unable to walk due to an injury or illness. Typically, the dog is secured to the device using a harness worn over the chest. Dog wheelchairs are self-mobilizing and do not require assistance from humans. The dog uses its front legs for mobility, while its back end is supported. There are also reverse models designed to support the front legs. A dog wheelchair can prevents your dog from losing exercise, and help an injured or sick dog regain strength for a speedy recovery. If your dog has had a limb amputated, a dog wheelchair can help return mobility to your dog.


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      Research the best dog wheelchair for your companion. The first choice is the adjustable model. These allow easy fitting for your pet and usually ship as early as the next day. Adjustable dog wheelchairs fold flat for easy storage, which also results in cheaper shipping costs. The adjustable is versatile and provides options for the use of a dog harness. A custom dog wheelchair requires exact measurements for proper fitting. The adjustable dog wheelchair is easily resold, while the custom ones are harder to resell.

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      Consider your dog's size, weight and specific disability. Dog carts assist dogs who are unable to use their rear legs. Sling-type dog wheelchairs help support weak forelegs, or dogs who have had an amputation. Most of these devices are adjustable. Your dog should be able to comfortably move around while using a dog wheelchair. A dog harness also helps provide additional support if necessary.

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      Measure your dog, especially if you're buying a custom dog wheelchair. Your vet will also take measurements for you if you decide to purchase a custom model. If you're buying a dog wheelchair online, it's very important to carefully measure your dog because you will have to submit the numbers to the vendor while placing your order.

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      Drive down to the pet store and test out dog wheelchairs with your dog. This way you can see what best fits your dog and ask for advice about the best model for your pet. You won't have to pay for pricey shipping, or wait weeks for a delivery.