Feldene Medication for Dogs

Feldene is a brand name for prescription veterinary medication piroxicam. Feldene is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and doctors typically prescribe the drug for the treatment of bladder cancer in dogs.

  1. Function

    • Feldene functions by blocking the production of prostaglandins, chemicals in a dog's body that transmit signals of pain and promote inflammation, the University of Virginia explains. In addition, Feldene prevents a substance known as cyclooxygenase from acting upon tissues in a dog's body.


    • By decreasing the amount of prostaglandins, Feldene alleviates the pain experienced by dogs suffering from bladder cancer. Without cyclooxygenase, bladder cancer cells cannot grow and eventually die, Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania reports.


    • Veterinarians typically prescribe one daily dose of 0.15 mg of Feldene for each pound a dog weighs, according to PetPlace.com.


    • Vomiting and loss of appetite are possible side effects of Feldene in dogs. Serious risks associated with the medication including gastrointestinal ulcers, intestinal perforation, blood clots and liver or kidney damage, PetPlace.com warns.


    • Feldene may not be safe for dogs with a history of hypertension, heart problems, bleeding or gastrointestinal ulcers, PetPlace.com cautiosn. Feldene has the potential to cause interactions with hypertension medications, such as diuretics or ACE-inhibitors, and may not be able to be used with these drugs.