Home Remedies for Cockerspaniel Ear Infections

Cocker Spaniels are a breed of dog that commonly have ear infection problems due to the way their long, floppy ears cover the ear canal. Infection of the outer ear is a health problem where home care remedies can be used to cure and prevent recurrence.

  1. Identification

    • The first step is to determine if your Cocker Spaniel actually has an infection. The symptoms usually start with redness and inflammation around the inside of the ear. Your dog may normally have some wax or discharge coming from its ears, but if there is an infection this will have a foul smell to it and may be black or yellow in color. Cocker Spaniels with an ear infection will appear irritated, shaking their head and scratching at their ears incessantly.

    Home Remedies

    • The first step is to clean your dog's ears with some type of solution. White vinegar is an inexpensive option that is effective at killing the yeast and bacteria that cause outer ear infections. Other recommended treatments include using either tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil. Tree oil is an antiseptic that will help kill fungus and bacteria while drying out the effected area. Eucalyptus oil is an anti-inflammatory that has antimicrobial and analgesic qualities. To apply, grab the ear where it attaches to the head and gently squeeze with your thumb and forefinger, rubbing the solution into the ear canal. When applying any of these, use a cotton ball as opposed to a cotton swab to avoid injury to the ear. This can be done two to three times a day for three or four days, and the redness and inflammation should begin to subside.


    • If the infection does not appear to be getting better with home treatments after four days, take your Cocker Spaniel to the vet. Also note that these treatments will only be effective for outer ear infection. If the infection is in the middle or inner ear, take your dog to the vet and get a prescription medication. Cocker Spaniels can have small hairs growing in the ears that need to be removed because they attract moisture and block the ear canal. Visit a professional groomer to have this done the first time, and if you feel confident, have them show you how to trim these hairs yourself at home.