Signs & Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection in Male Dogs

Urinary tract infections are typically caused by bacteria, and can affect both the upper urinary tract (in a kidney infection), and the lower urinary tract (in a bladder infection). According to, urinary tract infections are more common in female dogs than in male dogs. This is because the female urethra is smaller, making it easier for bacteria to make its way up into the bladder. However, male dogs can still be infected, and signs and symptoms of infection include an incessant desire to urinate, urinating in strange places, struggling and bleeding during urination, and genital licking.

  1. Incessant Desire to Urinate

    • Urinary tract infections in male dogs can impair their ability to hold urine for long periods of time. As a result ̵1; according to - a common sign that your dog is infected is an incessant desire to urinate. Dogs that are housebroken will let you know when they need to go outside and do their business, either by whimpering, rubbing up against you, or otherwise nagging you. If this behavior increases in frequency, and your dog is urinating much more per than usual, this could be a sign that he has a urinary tract infection.

    Urinating in Strange Places

    • Dogs are, by nature, very territorial animals. Often when you take dogs on routine walks in the same locations, they will begin to familiarize themselves with their surroundings, and urinate in very specific spots. These spots could be under certain trees or beneath certain poles and fire hydrants. According to, if your male dog begins urinating in strange and unfamiliar places ̵1; such as in the middle of the street ̵1; this may be an indication that he has a urinary tract infection.

    Struggling During Urination

    • According to, if your male dog struggles and/or shows signs of pain during urination, or cannot produce any urine at all after attempting to, it could be symptomatic of a urinary tract infection. If you think your dog might be infected, check to see if he takes more time than usual during urination. Also, watch and listen for whimpering and heavy breathing while your dog is urinating, as these could be indicators him struggling.

    Bleeding During Urination

    • Another sign that your male dog may have a urinary tract infection is bleeding during urination. If your dog̵7;s urine is cloudy and obscure, with a reddish hue to it, this is an indication of blood in the urine. According to, bleeding during urination in you male dog is also commonly accompanied by an extremely unpleasant odor.

    Genital Licking

    • Often ̵1; according to - urinary tract infections in male dogs will cause irritation to the interiors of their urethras. As a result, they feel a painful, burning sensation during urination. Thus, it is not uncommon for male dogs with urinary tract infections to lick their genitals (in an attempt to ease the discomfort), especially following urination.