Just as children need to be vaccinated for protection against various diseases, so do dogs. The dog is injected with various strains of diseases, and her body will manufacture antibodies to attack the diseases. The 7-way shot provides protection against the widest variety of diseases.
Inside Each Vaccination
Each 7-way shot contains vaccinations against canine parvovirus, distemper, adenovirus type 2, hepatitis, parainfluenza and 2-leptospirosis. The 7-way shot offers the strongest protection for a dog.
Modified Strains and Live Strains
To be effective, each 7-way shot has both modified and live strains of the various diseases a dog can contract.
Safety of the 7-Way Shot
The American Veterinary Association has conducted extensive research and testing on the safety of the 7-way shot, and there is no evidence to indicate that, barring certain allergies, it's unsafe to vaccinate dogs with this shot.
Avoiding Vaccinations
Veterinarians suggest that you avoid vaccinating pregnant dogs or dogs that are recovering from illnesses. When the dog has given birth or is fully back to normal strength, she or he can be vaccinated.
Benefits Versus Risks
Although some dogs may have adverse reactions to the 7-way shot, the benefits of an immunized dog need to be weighed against one that is unprotected. In addition, most cities require dogs to be vaccinated on an annual basis.