Tips for Caring for a Pug That Is Having Puppies

If your female pug is more tired than usual, has a larger, bloated midsection, enlarged nipples and is cleaning herself more often she might be pregnant. The final confirmation of this condition should be determined by a veterinarian. There are ways to help care for your pug during pregnancy, which will normally last around 62 days.

  1. Feedings

    • Your pug̵7;s appetite will become larger, especially around week six or seven of her pregnancy. It is important to feed her premium dog food or puppy food more often during the day. These foods are formulated to help growing dogs, and will give your pug more nutrients during her pregnancy. Do not be concerned that you are over feeding your pug. Her puppies will need all the food they can get.

    Monitor Your Pug

    • You will have to keep close watch on your pug during pregnancy. A pug̵7;s head is much larger than its body and pelvis which can make for a difficult delivery, so she may have to birth her puppies by Caesarean or C-section. Your veterinarian will give you final confirmation if this is the case.


    • It is important to still give your pug regular exercise during her pregnancy, especially if she was very active beforehand. Giving your pregnant pug daily walks is the best way to help her get exercise that is not too stressful.

    Isolating Your Pug

    • If you have other dogs it is important to isolate your pregnant pug approximately three weeks before she is ready to give birth and three weeks after the puppies have come. This will insure that the mother and puppies are not exposed to any illnesses those dogs may be harboring.

    Just Before Delivery

    • Set up an area in your home where the pug can give birth and raise her newborn puppies. It should be place where the pug feels comfortable and will allow her to come and go easily. Make sure there are towels or blankets lining this area not only to keep your pug and her pups warm but to keep your floors clean during delivery.

      Monitor your pug̵7;s temperature rectally the last few days of her pregnancy. Normally, your pug̵7;s temperature will be around 102 degrees. When it drops below 100 degrees, she will be going into labor in the next 24 hours. If you notice an extreme drop or rise in temperature, or any signs of distress or illness, contact you veterinarian immediately.