Antibiotics to Treat Staph Infections in Dogs

Staph infections in dogs typically occur on the skin, but can also appear in the mouth, ears or eyelids. Not all antibiotics are effective against staph infections and those that are often take three to six weeks to rid your pet of the infection.

  1. Cephalexin

    • Cephalexin is inexpensive and commonly used to treat staph infections. It is only available in oral form and sold under the brand names Keflex and Celaxin.


    • Clavamox is expensive. It works not only for staph infections, but also respiratory infections. Its main drawback is that if the dog has a weak stomach, it can cause vomiting.


    • Baytril is prescribed when the staph infection is already serious. It is a very strong antibiotic and is used especially for wounds. It is moderately expensive.


    • Erythromycin is an inexpensive antibiotic that is also used for treating staph infections.

    Antibiotics to Avoid

    • The following common antibiotics are not effective against staph infections: penicillin and amoxicillin.