Epidermoid Carcinoma in Dogs

When a dog gets diagnosed with cancer, it can devastate the owner. Dog owners should understand the specific type of cancer affecting their dog, to allow their dog the best quality of life possible. Epidermoid carcinoma is a form of canine skin cancer, more commonly known as squamous cell carcinoma.

  1. Identification

    • Epidermoid carcinomas often present as cauliflower-like growths or hard, flat ulcers; both of which will not heal.


    • Dogs affected by epidermoid carcinomas often have the ulcers located on their feet and legs.


    • As the cancer progresses, the canine patient may display many additional symptoms including changes in bowel movements, abnormal swelling, loss of appetite and weight loss.


    • To diagnose this form of canine skin cancer, the veterinarian will take a sample of the affected skin. Tests are run to detect abnormal cells, which confirm the presence of cancer.


    • Dogs suffering from epidermoid carcinoma will undergo surgical removal of the cancerous area, accompanied by radiation therapy or chemotherapy.