Flea and tick collars are safe for dogs in most cases. Before buying a flea or tick collar, make sure your dog is old enough to have one and that the collar will fit properly. Check to see what chemicals or substances the collar contains. Finally, consider alternatives if you are not comfortable with the flea collar option.
A flea or tick collar must fit properly to be safe. Trim off any extra length so your dog doesn't chew on it. And if the collar is too loose, it could be caught on something and choke your dog.
Unsafe Substances
The chemicals used in a flea or tick collar determine whether it's safe or not. Strong chemicals such as carbomates can cause vomiting or harm your pet if ingested.
Safe Substances
Safe substances to look for in a collar are pyrethrins, chrysanthemum extracts. Citrus extract containing d-Limonene or linalool are also safe substances
Young puppies should not wear flea or tick collars. The chemicals could harm them more easily than they could adult dogs.
Medications such as Advantage and Program are good alternatives to flea collars.