How to Prevent Clostridium Diarrhea in Dogs

Clostridium bacteria cause diseases in dogs and humans, including tetanus, botulism, gangrene and dysentery. Commonly found in ground soil, they produce cytotoxins that attack individual cells of particular organs, in particular the enterotoxins of canine diarrhea. According to Dr. Wendy C. Brooks, educational director of, in her article ̶0;Clostridium Perfringens,̶1; approximately 80 per cent of dogs have clostridia in their intestinal tracts without developing diarrhea. Preventing clostridial diarrhea means dog owners have to negate the environmental and physical triggers that cause bacterial overgrowth and disease in their animals.

Things You'll Need

  • Off-the-floor food and water bowls (sized to fit your dog)


  1. Prevention

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      Keep your dog from making contact with animals that are vomiting or presenting with diarrhea. Because clostridia can be spread from dog to dog, it may be necessary to isolate your pet from other animals until they no long show the symptoms of disease.

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      Reduce your animal̵7;s stress level by keeping him on a consistent feeding and exercise schedule. Dogs become anxious when their routines change, and anxiety and stress can lead to clostridia overload.

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      Feed and water your dog in bowls that stand off the floor or the ground (if feeding outside). Transferring the bacteria from the ground to the food bowl is a common way for sound animals to become ill.

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      Allow your veterinarian to examine your dog on a regular basis, inoculate him against disease, and perform any needed diagnostic procedures. Keeping your dog healthy will prevent bacterial overgrowth and diarrhea.

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      Don̵7;t allow your dog to drink from puddles, ponds, lakes or water tanks if possible. Standing water harbors all types of bacteria (including clostridia) that can be harmful to your animal.