Home Remedy for Microbial Infections in Dogs

Dog owners want to do everything they can to help their best friends and furry family members live long, healthy and productive lives. However, there are occasions when the vet is unavailable, when resistance has developed to medications, or when veterinary medicine is simply too expensive. For simple microbial infections, natural and affordable home remedies can be used to help your dog make a speedy recovery. There is no real risk of overexposure as the products are non-toxic and they can therefore be used as often as needed.

  1. Oil of Oregano

    • As the name implies, oil of oregano is derived from the oregano spice. A popular component of Italian cuisine, oregano is also used as a natural remedy for a variety of canine ailments including itchy skin, burns, inflammation and kennel cough. Oregano contains the chemical carvacrol which acts as a natural antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic, so it not only stops the spread of an infection, it actively kills any germs, bacteria or viruses in the process. For topical application simply mix 1 tsp. of oregano oil with 3 tsp. of olive oil and apply directly to the infected area. In addition to fighting infection, regular applications of oregano oil to ears, skin and fur can repel fleas, ticks and mites.

    Coconut Oil

    • For internal infections, you may want to try something a bit more palatable as dogs may not like the peppery taste of oregano. One antimicrobial that can be easily incorporated into the daily diet without altering the flavor of food is coconut oil. According to the International Wellness Directory, coconut oil is high in lauric acid. Regular consumption of coconut oil can bolster immune system function as the components of lauric acid are both antiviral and antibacterial. Offer your dog 1 tsp. of coconut oil for each pound of body weight each day to gain the greatest benefit. Coconut oil can also be applied topically to wounds, ear infections and bug bites to help alleviate irritation and reduce the urge to itch.

    Manuka Honey

    • Manuka honey can also be used on dogs as an effective, if somewhat sticky, antimicrobial agent. Imported from New Zealand, this particular honey is growing in popularity as a natural healing agent. Honey has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties which can help to annihilate any existing infections while speeding up the healing process. Honey is also a humectant, which means it attracts water to it. When applied to an infected area, this quality allows the honey to draw water from the surrounding microbes, destroying them through rapid dehydration. Manuka honey contains additional antibacterial components attributed to regional pollens used to produce the product, making it a particularly valuable addition to your medicine chest.