Heartgard Side Effects

Heartworm is a disorder in cats and dogs caused by a worm, which is carried by mosquitoes. The mosquito transmits the worm when it bites your pet. Although there is a high rate of success in treating dogs with heartworm, there is no consistently effective treatment for cats. Veterinarians suggest putting your pets on preventive medication, such as Heartgard. The active ingredient in Heartgard is ivermectin. Although Heartgard, a prescription drug, is considered relatively safe for cats and dogs, like all medications, there may be side effects.

  1. Lethargy

    • Your dog may appear lazy or sluggish while being treated with Heartgard. The dog also might appear disoriented. Some dogs sleep more soundly and longer.


    • This is a similar reaction to lethargy, only the dog may also whine or cry and lose interest in activities that usually excite it.

    Vomiting and Diarrhea

    • These are the most commonly reported side effects with Heartgard and should only cause alarm if they persist. Make sure the dog drinks water to avoid dehydration.

    Convulsions and Seizures

    • Convulsions and seizures could be a sign of ivermectin toxicity and should immediately be brought to the attention of the veterinarian.


    • If you own a collie or sheepdog, use Heartgard with caution. These dogs carry a gene mutation that could cause a fatal reaction to ivermectin.