Homemade Heartworm Prevention

The arrival of spring means many things, including the beginning of heartworm season. Heartworms, Dirofilaria Immitis, are parasitic roundworms that are spread via infected mosquitoes. The larvae of the heartworm will travel toward the heart of your dog or cat and, approximately six months after the infection, will begin to block blood flow toward the lungs, which can kill your pet. There are preventative measures you can take at home to prevent the spread of heartworm.

  1. Healthy Immune System

    • Help prevent heartworm by keeping your dog or cat̵7;s immune system functioning as well as possible. Start by feeding your pet a well-balanced diet. Purchase a high-quality food that is rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. You can also give your pet supplements, including Vitamin C and Zinc. Vitamin C is a natural antibacterial and antiviral agent that also boosts a pet̵7;s resistance to disease. Zinc helps promote the production of white blood cells and helps wounds heal more effectively. Daily exercise is also important for immune system function.


    • Mosquitoes and other insects are naturally repelled by garlic. You can feed your dog garlic daily to keep away heartworm infected mosquitoes. Dogs who weigh in excess of 50 pounds should be given 2 teaspoons of garlic daily. Smaller dogs can have no more than 1/2 teaspoon daily. Excessive amounts of garlic can be potentially dangerous for dogs, so consult a veterinarian about this treatment. Garlic should never be given to cats, because they have a natural sensitivity to it.

    Natural Mosquito Repellent

    • Once mosquito season begins, you can manufacture a natural mosquito repellent at home by adding a few drops of the essential oils of either lavender, peppermint, citrus oils or tea tree to about 10 ounces of water. Spray the mixture onto your pet each time it leaves the home to keep mosquitoes at bay.

    Anti-parasitic Herbs

    • There are several anti-parasitic herbs that can be given in supplement form to your pet at the beginning or mosquito season or if you feel your pet has been exposed to mosquitoes. These include spearmint herb, black walnut, mugwort and wormwood. Consult your veterinarian before attempting this preventative measure.