Allergy Supplements for Severe Allergies in Dogs

Supplements that will help your dog can be injected or taken orally. From steroids to natural solutions, adding these supplements to your dog's diet could improve his resistance to allergies and reduce his symptoms.

  1. Steroids

    • Steroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that vets prescribe to help with allergies. They can either be taken orally or injected, depending on the steroid. Steroids can sometimes cause Cushing's disease in a dog if taken for too long, however.


    • Antihistamines block the dog's immune system from reacting to invaders such as dust and pollen that are not actually harmful to it. They should help the dog with breathing, sneezing and pain, as well as reduce the amount of steroids needed to treat the allergy.

    Fatty Acids

    • Adding fatty acids such as Omega-3 to the dog's diet can be the icing on the cake for effective supplemental treatment of allergies. Combine them with antihistamines and steroids to help the dog battle its allergies.


    • Yucca is a type of plant that can be added to the dog's diet. Yucca works as an anti-inflammatory and boosts the immune system.

    Natural Remedies

    • Purple coneflower helps bolster the immune system and reduce inflammation. Myrrh also reduces inflammation, and milk vetch helps the immune system.