How to Solve Dog Health Problems Naturally

Many dog health problems can be alleviated through natural medicine. Veterinary practitioners of natural medicine believe that humans can help companion animals heal through better diets, less toxins in their environments, exercise and well-balanced emotional lives. As an animal gets stronger both physically and emotionally, he will return to an optimal state of health. With some research and guidance by natural medicine professionals, pet parents can implement these simple, inexpensive changes to prevent chronic illness in their pet's life and reduce veterinarian bills.


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      Learn when natural medicine is appropriate and when standard allopathic medicine is a better choice. Allopathic medicine succeeds at treating trauma, medical and surgical emergencies and other critical health issues. Natural medicine tends to be more effective at managing chronic conditions like allergies and arthritis.

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      Identify the symptoms of your pet's health issues and follow up by researching potential causes and implementing treatments. Some conditions, such as diarrhea, can be resolved with simple solutions, such as adding canned pumpkin and probiotic supplements to the diet. Less specific conditions, such as limping, can be the sign of a larger problem, such as osteoarthritis or cancer. Note when the symptoms started, and how they present themselves, to determine an appropriate course of action.

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      Locate trusted resources and professionals for help. Seek referrals to natural medicine practitioners by visiting professional organization directories, and visit online discussion forums that specifically address either your dog's breed or suspected health condition. Talk to others whose dogs experienced the same condition for tips on proceeding.

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      Make a commitment to healing your dog's health naturally. Natural medicine is not a quick fix. Practitioners (often referred to as "holistic, complementary or alternative therapy" doctors) go far beyond immediate treatment of external symptoms such as itching. You will work with your holistic practitioner to implement long-term changes that will boost your dog's entire immune system and expel toxins that are creating disease.

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      Feed your dog healthier food. Every living thing needs whole foods and pure water to thrive. Because there is little oversight in the pet food industry, commercially processed dog foods are often laden with chemicals, preservatives and meat by-products that offer little nutrition and weaken the immune system. Research and implement better foods for your dog, and watch for improvement in a matter of weeks.

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      Commit to improving your own health. Experts such as George Fahey, a researcher in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, say that there is evidence that "there is a correlation between overweight owners and overweight pets." By taking better care of your body, your healthier practices will naturally extend to how you treat your dog.