How to Force-feed a Sick Dog or Cat

A cat with an upper respiratory infection, severe liver disease or a painful infection often refuses to eat; ailing dogs may eat, but refuse the necessary food prescribed by the veterinarian. Because your pets need nutrients to fight off infection and heal from various illnesses, learning how to syringe-feed -- or force-feed -- your dog or cat not only saves you veterinary hospital fees, but also allows your animal to rest at home while recuperating.

Things You'll Need

  • Veterinarian-prescribed animal food
  • Mixing bowl
  • Lukewarm water
  • Large syringe


    • 1

      Place the appropriate amount of prescribed dog or cat food into a bowl and mix it with lukewarm water until it reaches the consistency of a thick soup. If you are using a prepared veterinary formula, you can skip this step.

    • 2

      Draw up the prescribed amount of the mixture into a large syringe by sticking the hub into the bowl and pulling up on the plunger. You may need to remove the plunger from the syringe and drop the food down into the barrel with a spoon.

    • 3

      Cup your pet's head in one hand and hold the filled syringe in the other.

    • 4

      Insert the tip of the syringe into the pocket of your animal's lips close to its jaw and gently push down on the plunger. Give just enough food so that your pet tastes it and begins to lick and swallow. Allow the animal to swallow each morsel before feeding more.

    • 5

      Continue in this manner until your dog or cat has eaten the amount prescribed by your veterinarian.