According to Dennis W. Thomas, a doctor of veterinary medicine in Texas who has published his works in ̶0;Dog World̶1; magazine, one of the most common problems with pets is otitis externa, which is an infection of the animal̵7;s external ear canal. Most often, pet owners make the problem worse by improperly treating the ear. Ear infection can be controlled with medication prescribed by a veterinarian.
An ear infection in a pet is often characterized by an excessive, foul-smelling discharge from his ear. He may also excessively rub his ear or shake his head as though he is trying to get something out. With an ear infection, he may also have balance problems or his ears may be red and tender to the touch.
Cats and Dogs
Although ear infections are more common in dogs, cats are also at risk. Ear infections are more prevalent in dogs than in cats. Dogs with long ears such as Basset Hounds or Cocker Spaniels are more prone to ear infections. The same is seen with dogs with hair that hangs over their ears such as Schnauzers or Miniature Poodles.
A pet̵7;s ear infection could be the result of foreign bodies trapped inside his ear that may require flushing out to remove. The infection could also be due to ear mites, swollen lymph nodes, bacteria, a yeast infection or tumors, which are prevalent in elderly pets. If an infection is persistent, certain food items should be restricted as the ailment could be a result of food allergies.
Cleaning a pet̵7;s ears on a weekly basis will not only keep his ears healthy, it will let the owner notice early signs of infection, according to American Animal Hospital Association veterinarian Dr. LeeAnn Dumars. A veterinarian recommended cleansing solution would prevent infections. Also, pets with long hair inside their earflaps should have their hair trimmed periodically.
If left untreated, a pet̵7;s ear infection can lead to hemangiosarcoma, malignant melanoma and sarcoma. In many cases, surgery is required to remove the tumor. The infection can also lead to facial nerve problems, referred to as otitis media. Due to an owner̵7;s negligence, a pet can also become deaf due to poor hygiene and an unhealthy environment.