Antibiotics for Paw Infections in Dogs

In addition to typical cuts and scrapes, many dogs develop cysts and growths on their paws and require treatment with antibiotics.

  1. Mupirocin ointment

    • Mupirocin ointment, also sold under the name "Bactoderm," is prescribed for chronic problems.


    • Metronidazole (also called "Flagyl") is prescribed for cysts that won't go away with other antibiotics.


    • Doxycyline is very similar to metronidazole, but some dogs respond better to it.


    • Fluoroquinolones are available under several names including Baytril, Dicural and Orbax. They are commonly prescribed because they work well with a broad range of paw problems.


    • Clindamycin helps fight anerobic bacteria. It is also called Antirobe.


    • Cephalexin (also known as Keflex) is prescribed for longer term use and especially for skin infections. It has fewer side effects than most other antibiotics.