Arthritis Medication for Animals

Pet owners wishing to help relieve arthritis pain and symptoms in their animals need to make an appointment with their veterinarian to discuss possible treatment options. They would also do well to become familiar with arthritis medications for animals.

  1. Glucosamine and Chondroitin

    • When taken daily these products give the animal's body the fuel needed to repair damaged cartilage and fight inflammation. They can take up to one or two months to produce relief.

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    • Fish oils have properties that fight inflammation in arthritic dogs and cats. It typically takes up to a month before the effects are fully realized.


    • Free radicals are harmful biochemicals that can attack and damage joints. Antioxidants fight free radicals and are available in arthritis supplements for animals.


    • Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, or NSAIDs, are quick-acting medications that reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis. There are several NSAIDs available for pets including Carprofen, Deracoxib, Meloxicam and Firocoxib.


    • Corticosteroid drugs, such as Prednisone, relieve inflammation by inhibiting the chemicals that cause the inflammation. These drugs are not recommended for long-term use.


    • Several prescription pain relievers are commonly used to treat arthritis pain in animals. For example, Tramadol is a narcotic pain reliever safe for use in pets.