Treatment of Canine Skin Conditions

The treatment for canine skin disease depends upon the cause of the condition. The causes of skin disease in dogs include: bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasite infestations, autoimmune disease and allergies, and tumors.

  1. Bacteria

    • Many bacteria cause skin disease in dogs. If a dog has a bacterial skin infection, it will be treated by a thorough shampooing to remove crusts and scales. Antibiotics also are given by mouth or through injection.


    • Fungal skin infections can be very hard to treat. The hair may be shaved and the dog will need a series of three weekly shampooings or dips.


    • Parasite skin infestations are treated by dips, shampoos, or injections of anti-parasite medications.

    Autoimmune or Allergies

    • These skin conditions are generally treated with oral or injectable steroids or antihistamines. Lotions or shampoos can also be used to calm itchy or sore skin.


    • Skin tumors require surgery to remove the tumors. Depending on the nature of the tumor, drugs such as a chemotherapy regimen may also be given to kill or slow the growth of tumors.