Pet guardians and those who work with animals quickly saw that Avon's Skin So Soft products repelled fleas. Exactly why the products work isn't known, but there's something about the woodsy fragrance that keeps fleas and other insects at bay.
Making a mist including the Skin So Soft oil is one way in which to use the product for flea treatment. Mix 5 parts water to 1 part Skin So Soft oil and place the solution in a spray bottle.
Mixing some Skin So Soft oil into your pet's bath water is also effective as a flea treatment. Skin So Soft oil can also be mixed, 1.5 oz. to a gallon of water, to make a flea dip that provides flea-repellent action for six days.
Skin So Soft oil can be rubbed into your cat's skin to provide flea treatment. However, ensure your use a Skin So Soft product that does not contain sunscreen. Ingredients in the sunscreen may be toxic to the cats.
Skin So Soft will repel fleas from you if you are in an area, such as a lawn, kennel or park, where there are lots of the pesky insects. In addition, Skin So Soft helps keep mosquitoes and other insects away.
The University of Florida tested the Skin So Soft products to determine their effectiveness in treating flea allergies. According to the results of the test, Skin So Soft does have flea repelling properties for up to six days after it is applied