Vitamin C to Treat Cancer in Dogs

Canine cancer is a common cause of dog deaths. However, canine cancer does not have to lead to death. Dog cancer treatment is available to help your dog overcome her cancer. Ensuring your dog has enough vitamin C in her system is helpful in defeating canine cancer.

  1. Canine Cancer

    • Canine cancer is more common in older dogs. Tumors can be a common sign of canine cancer. If you spot tumors on your dog take him to your veterinarian so the veterinarian can determine if the tumors are cancerous.

    Vitamin C in Dogs

    • Unlike humans, a dog's body generates its own vitamin C. However, when the dog is under stress or has a serious illness, such as canine cancer, the dog's body may not be able to generate the proper amount of vitamin C. According to University of Florida Professor R. M. Clemmons, giving your dog a vitamin C supplement can compensate for the dog's lack of generated vitamin C.


    • For every ten pounds a dog weighs she should receive 100mg of vitamin C. This dosage should be given to the dog twice a day.


    • An excess of vitamin C in a dog can lead to gas and/or diarrhea. If your canine is experiencing gas or diarrhea you should reduce the amount of vitamin C.


    • Vitamin C works well as a dog cancer treatment with vitamin E. Vitamin E functions as an anti-inflammatory drug, according to R. M. Clemmons.