Lawn Fertilizer Effects on Dogs

A lawn might appear like a safe place to allow your dog to romp around, yet in some cases, a lawn treated with some types of fertilizers may turn out being potentially dangerous. Learn how to recognize some types of fertilizers that might be harmful to your dog and learn to recognize potential signs suggesting trouble.

  1. Considerations

    • While some lawn fertilizers are generally of low toxicity, there are many lawn fertilizer products that can contain very high concentrations of iron or other toxic products such as herbicides and pesticides. When in doubt about the product's safety for pets, the manufacturer should be contacted directly.


    • Most lawn fertilizer labels provide instructions that must be read carefully and followed properly. Many lawn fertilizer products recommend watering after each application while others might dictate to allow the lawn to thoroughly dry before allowing pets on it.


    • Contact with lawn fertilizer chemicals can occur simply from skin absorption or from ingestion. Dogs in contact with lawn chemicals can develop the following symptoms: skin irritations, drooling, diarrhea and vomiting episodes, seizures or other central nervous system disorders, and in severe cases, even death.


    • Water bowls, dishes and dog toys should be removed before applying chemical lawn products. Dogs should be kept away from the treated lawns for at least 24 hours. However, if exposure occurs, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately or the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center can be reached 888-426-4435, 24 hours a day (charges apply).


    • When in doubt, it is best to practice caution and avoid lawns that might have been recently treated with chemicals. Owners that are concerned about the effects lawn chemicals might have on their dogs can still enjoy a nice and healthy lawn by choosing only organic lawn fertilizers that are labeled safe for pets.