How to Tape Standard Schnauzer's Ears

According to the American Kennel Club, breed-standard Schnauzers' ears may be cropped or not cropped. When not cropped, the ears stand up and then flop over at their ends. While a veterinarian needs to do the actual cutting of a Standard Schnauzer's ears, there are tricks to taping the ears so that they will not flop over again. Taping is done after the vet has cropped the ears.

Things You'll Need

  • Clippers with 40 blade
  • Medical tape or bandages
  • Scissors


    • 1

      Shave the dog's hair around the ears as closely as possible to the head.

    • 2

      Place one end of tape at the outer corner of each ear. Get it as close to the dog's skin as possible.

    • 3

      Cut the tape at about 5 inches for each ear.

    • 4

      Wrap the tape around each ear.

    • 5

      Fold each ear lengthwise two times.

    • 6

      Tape each entire ear in that position, wrapping the tape as tightly as possible. The goal is to get cartilage in the ears to hold up the ears in the cropped cut. When finished, the ears should stick straight up without assistance.

    • 7

      Remove the tape after two to three days to allow breathing time for one day.

    • 8

      Re-tape the ears after one day of breathing time.

    • 9

      Repeat the process leaving the ears wrapped for two to three days then untaping them for one day of breathing time before re-taping them until the ears stand up on their own without flopping over.