How to Worm Pregnant Dogs

If your dog is pregnant there are a lot of things that should be adhered to with care. Dogs are sensitive to various kinds of infections, especially worms. Since pregnant dogs are giving a lot of their bodily energy to the growing puppies, a worm infestation can prove to be harmful. Even a pregnant dog will require de-worming to combat roundworms and tapeworms.


  1. Take good care of your dog.

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      Prevent worms. You should make all attempts to prevent the infestation of your dog in the first place. Don't allow the pregnant dog to lick food from the ground or other unhygienic sources, as these are the most common areas of infection. Provide the dog with freshly made food, along with fresh water. Avoid close interaction with other dogs as the infection can also spread through licking.

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      Consult with your vet to devise a solution if your dog has become infected with worms. It is best to determine the day of conception before working out the medication schedule. Most vets suggest that the pregnant dog should be de-wormed on the 40th day of her pregnancy, or a date close to it.

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      Administer treatment to the dog. Ensure that your dog is getting the prescribed dosage of the worming tablet, as per the instruction of the vet. Since your dog is pregnant, she and her puppies are going to be very sensitive to the consumption of medicines.Try and get her to take the pill yourself. If she refuses to swallow the tablet, you can powder it and give it in the food. Opt for chewable and flavored tablets. If the dog absolutely refuses to swallow the tablet, you can opt for liquid or an injection.

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      Understand the complete process. De-worming for the dog can be required more than once. Generally the next round of worming should be two weeks after the delivery of the puppies.

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      Be cautious when giving your dog worming tablets during pregnancy. Look for signs and symptoms of sickness or other adverse reactions.