Remedy for Dry, Scaly Dog Skin

Dry skin is not uncommon in dogs, particularly in dry climates, and in winter when the furnace is running and drying out the air. Just like people, dogs can develop dry skin that is scaly and itchy, and they also can have dandruff. Several different treatments can help remedy simple cases of dry, scaly dog skin.

  1. Food

    • Feed your dog a high-quality meat-based name-brand dog food. Nearly all commercial dog food sold at grocery and department stores has corn as the main ingredient and contains a large amount of grain and other filler. Buy dog food that has meat as its first listed ingredient, such as chicken, turkey, fish, lamb or beef. This food is best for optimum canine health, including healthy skin, according to veterinary advice at The Pet Center website.


    • Nutritional supplements such as omega fatty acid capsules can help improve a dog's skin and coat, as noted by the Doctors Foster and Smith website. Omega fatty acids also benefit the cardiovascular system. Vitamins are available that are formulated to promote healthy skin and coat. You can buy these supplements at pet stores or at online retail shops.


    • Your dog may need extra oil in her diet. Pour a teaspoon or tablespoon of olive oil onto your dog's food every three or four days. You'll need to keep an eye on his weight to make sure the extra calories don't start adding extra pounds. This technique should be avoided if your dog is overweight.


    • Grooming must be taken into consideration when your dog has dry, scaly skin. Brush your dog regularly to improve blood flow to the skin and to remove dead skin cells and loose hair. Avoid bathing her more than is necessary, because the dog's skin produces oils to keep her skin from drying out. Use a moisturizing shampoo specially formulated for dogs.

    Veterinary Care

    • If your dog is licking his skin to the point of hair loss, chewing on himself or itching enough to cause skin irritation, consult your veterinarian before trying any home remedies. Also consult your veterinarian if the dry skin does not improve after changing diet and grooming. She may have allergies, a skin infection or another health condition.