Excessive Hair Loss in Dogs

Loss of hair, or alopecia, in dogs is the condition whereby the dog is losing all or some of its hair from areas of skin which normally are covered with hair. There are many possible causes for complete loss or partial loss of hair, including skin and food allergies, parasites and serious disease.

  1. Signs &Symptoms

    • Dog owners should watch for excessive shedding, scratching, bald spots and any unusual skin changes.


    • There can be many different causes of hair loss ranging from minor to severe. More typical causes include allergies to bites and food; parasites such as mange and ringworm; stress; and diseases such as Cushing's disease.


    • Treatment can only be determined by physical examination by a veterinarian who may also need to perform tests. Treatment may include changes in diet and routine or medication to treat the underlying cause.


    • Your veterinarian may perform fungal cultures, examination of the hair follicles, skin biopsy, blood tests and allergy tests.


    • Some causes cannot be prevented. Dog owners should pay particular attention, however, to flea/parasite control, proper diet, annual physicals and elimination of stress factors.