A systemic yeast infection occurs when excessive levels of yeast are present in the body. Yeast produces toxins that can result in serious health issues in a dog. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms related to an internal yeast infection are similar to those for other diseases or illnesses, often resulting in misdiagnosis.
Causes of internal yeast overgrowth include antibiotics, poor diet, overvaccinating, stress, changes in environment, illnesses and various medications.
In dogs, symptoms can include various issues with the gastrointestinal tract such as gas, bloating or torsion. The dog may also suffer from arthritis or become depressed, lethargic or fatigued.
Also known as Oxy-Drops, Ox-E-Drops are commonly used to kill yeast present in the gut by creating an unlivable environment.
An internal yeast infection will wreak havoc on a dog's intestines, so it is beneficial to feed or supplement with probiotics. Probiotics ("friendly" bacteria) can aid in returning the digestive enzymes back to their optimal level.
Change of Diet
Sometimes stress and a yeast infection occur when the dog's diet is poor or when the usual diet has been changed. Switching to a higher-quality food can aid in the recovery of the gastrointestinal tract and help keep future yeast infections from occurring.