Puppies are adorable, constant balls of energy. They bring positive energy into the life of their human family. That's why when puppies get sick, even with a simple case of dry skin, the whole family gets worried. Dry skin is common in all dogs during cold months when heaters are running indoors. There are plenty of home remedies to cure dry puppy skin. Keep in mind that dry skin in conjunction with other symptoms may be a sign of an illness and requires a vet's attention.
Things You'll Need
- Humidifier
- Dog shampoo
- Fish oil or flaxseed oil
- Brush
Limit how often you bathe your puppy. Frequent baths remove oils in his fur that help keep skin moist and healthy. Wash your dog once every 2 to 3 months, and use a moisturizing shampoo specially formulated for dogs.
Brush your puppy regularly to increase blood flow to the surface of skin. This helps to keep her skin healthy and her fur bright and shiny.
Feed your puppy a well-balanced diet full of whole grains, vegetables and lean meat. Food allergies can cause dry skin, so try eliminating specific foods (beef, pork, wheat, dairy, etc.) one at a time, and notice if symptoms subsist.
Supplement your puppy's diet with Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish oil and flax seed oil. These often come in capsule form, which you can pour directly on top of his nightly meals.
Add a humidifier to your home. Humidifiers can help offset the dry heat coming from indoor heaters and moisturize your puppy's skin (as well as your own).