How to Identify a Dog Rash

There are many different skin conditions that can plague a dog and cause it discomfort. Dogs with skin problems can show a variety of symptoms, ranging from minor scratching to severe hair loss. One common skin issue that can cause a dog to scratch is a rash. There are a few simple diagnostic steps you can take to determine if your dog is affected by a rash.

Things You'll Need

  • Hair clippers


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      Examine your dog's body for anything that looks abnormal. Rashes are especially prevalent on the stomach area but can show up anywhere. In addition, pay close attention to any areas where your dog may be scratching or biting.

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      Shave your dog if it has long or thick hair. It can be difficult to identify a rash if your canine has hair that makes it hard to see the skin. The easiest way to get around this obstacle is to simply shave it off.

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      Look for red, raised spots. Rashes typically present themselves as red bumps and are sometimes accompanied by flakiness and irritation. The rashes can vary in size and shape. There may also be scratches or sores in the area if your dog has been scratching or biting itself frequently.