How to Remove Foxtails From a Dog's Eye

Foxtails, also called grass awns, are pointed stickers produced by grasses in the western United States that have gone to seed. They are dangerous to dogs because their arrow shape allows deep penetration into the skin and has the potential to cause infection and irritation in any area of the body, including the eyes. Foxtails embedded in the eye cause extreme pain, inflammation, oozing discharge and ulcers. A tightly shut eye is a telltale sign that your dog has an embedded foxtail in his eye.

Things You'll Need

  • Antiseptic, sterile eye wash
  • Mineral oil
  • Tweezers
  • Cotton cloth
  • Helper


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      Locate the embedded foxtail in your dog's eye. Foxtails are often difficult to locate. If you suspect an embedded foxtail and cannot locate or remove it, long-term antibiotics and daily flushing and cleaning of the eye is recommended. The affected area can be cleaned and flushed with an antiseptic eyewash.

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      Saturate the eye with mineral oil to soften the foxtail. Wait 5 to 10 minutes. Hold the eye open with a finger gently pressing above and below the lids.

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      Remove the foxtail with a tweezer. Flush eye and pat dry with a clean cotton cloth.