Diet After Stomach Bleeding in a Canine

Dogs that have recently experienced stomach bleeding, due to an ulcer or any other stomach problem, will need a special diet for some time to help them heal. However, it is imperative that you stop the stomach bleeding first. Talk with your veterinarian to make sure you dog's condition is improved and discuss all foods you feed your dog.

  1. Introducing Foods

    • If your dog has had stomach bleeding, it is likely the veterinarian recommended you stop feeding it altogether for some time, usually 12 to 36 hours. This is done in order to allow the dog's gastrointestinal tract to heal before putting any more food inside. After not eating food for several hours or days, gradually re-introduce low-fat, low-protein foods into your dog's diet in order to minimize the impact the food has on the dog's empty stomach.

      If you choose to feed your dog a homemade diet, try one part low-fat cottage cheese with two parts boiled rice. This bland diet does not stretch the dog's stomach and helps the food pass smoothly into the intestines. Of course, you should always consult your veterinarian to tailor a diet to your dog's specific needs.
      Keep your dog hydrated while it is recovering from stomach bleeding. Make water available at all times, but also ask your veterinarian if it is safe to give your dog soda water. Soda water can help reduce acid build-up in the stomach, which might prevent stomach upset and further irritation of your dog's stomach injury.


    • According to Natural Animal Care Products, active Manuka honey relieves gastrointestinal symptoms, including the stomach ulcers that cause stomach bleeding in some dogs. Including Manuka honey in your dog's diet can ease stomach pain because the honey coats the stomach lining and offers protection. Manuka honey is also said to destroy h. pylori, which may be responsible for stomach ulcers in dogs. If your veterinarian says it's safe, feed your dog one teaspoon of the honey 20 minutes before meals and before bedtime. This may help prevent food from irritating the dog's stomach, and prevent the stomach from becoming upset during the night.