How to Prevent Your Dog From Vomiting Bile

It is very important for responsible owners to know how to prevent your dog from vomiting bile. It seems like your dog is well taken care of in terms of food, water, exercise and housing. But, some dogs keep on having unsolved stomach problems and vomiting a yellow-green bile substance once in a while. This article talks about how to prevent your dog from vomiting bile from daily dog care routine.


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      Dogs vomiting bile is caused by excessive acid and bile production. If your dog continues to vomit bile (yellow green substance), it is important to adjust the way you feed him. Most owners tend to feed their adult dogs one large meal a day. This can cause vomiting. It is better to feed him smaller portions throughout the day to keep some foods in his stomach. Feed him three meals a day with one in the morning, one around noon time and one during dinner time. If that is not possible because of your busy schedule, feed your dog one time in the morning and one time after you come back from work.

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      For dogs that are vomiting food immediately or soon after eating, it is important for you to pay more attention to his foods. Dry foods are generally bad and you should add water to it to soften it. Or you can feed him wet dog food mixed with dry dog kibbles.

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      Many dogs eat too fast and that can contribute to more vomiting. As an owner, you can effectively reduce this. All dogs have instincts to protect their food. When there is another dog around in the same area, he gets even more stress and gulp his food down even faster. If you have more than one dog, separate them at feeding them. Put each one in one room so that they can both eat slowly to prevent vomiting from occurring.

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      Water consumption can be withheld for winter season to ease symptoms of dog vomiting. Don't keep his water bowl full all day; some dogs drink too much water. Vomiting can occur when the stomach is full of water and the dog doesn't perspire to get rid of any moisture. In the winter, only provide water for 3-4 hours during the day and keep water out of reach for the rest of the time.