Homemade Medicine for Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation anxiety is not uncommon in dogs. In fact, it is so common that dogs suffer from separation anxiety that there are actually products on the market made specifically for separation anxiety in dogs. You could spend quite a bit of money on these commercial remedies and you could create your own homemade medicine for separation anxiety for your dog. There are many homemade and homeopathic remedies for separation anxiety in dogs that have proven successful with other dog owners. There are also many behavior modifications and steps to take to be proactive about your dog's separation anxiety.

  1. Behavior

    • While it is normal for a dog to occasionally chew a sock or a book, coming home to all the blinds in your home torn down and chewed up is not normal. And while it is acceptable to occasionally come home to an accident because you can assume the dog just couldn't hold it, it is not acceptable to come home to "presents" all around your home. Other unacceptable behaviors are incessant barking, whining and chewing while the dog is alone.

      Once you have determined your dog is indeed suffering from separation anxiety there are a few steps you can take to begin being proactive with your homemade medicine for the separation anxiety your dog has. For example, begin by crate-training your dog. This is not cruel or inhumane in fact is it commonly known that dogs feel safer in a "den" type setting. If crating is not successful try putting everything out of the reach of your dog.

      Make sure when you leave and when you come home you are doing so quietly and not making a scene. When your energies change your dog senses this. If you act calm and do not cause a scene, the dog will not know if you left for four hours or ran outside to get the mail.

      Dogs need exercise and there is no way around this. Try walking your dog every day for 30 minutes, more if you can. Many dog owners have noticed a difference in the severity of their dog's separation anxiety when they walk the dog more often. When the dog is walked and exercised he is able to get rid of much of that nervous energy.


    • Aromatherapy is a very well known and widely used homeopathic and homemade medicine for separation anxiety in dogs. Dogs have a more sensitive sense of smell, therefore it is believed that aromatherapy is actually more successful for dogs than for humans.

      In the realm of aromatherapy there are certain "calming" scents such as lavender, juniper, chamomile, orange, basil, lemon, bergamot and frankincense. Lavender and bergamot both possess calming properties whereas frankincense has the ability to calm, relax and even reduce the stress that is felt in a separation anxiety situation. About an hour before you leave the home you can begin burning a few drops of the aromatherapy oil.


    • Homemade medicine for separation anxiety in dogs can also be in the form of herbs. An herbal remedy that can be made at home is combining ginger root, valerian root, and chamomile and passion flower. It is believed that while herbal homemade medicines take longer to take effect they are natural and efficient at decreasing the symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs.

      There is an herb called Ashwagandha root that has also been successful in curing separation anxiety in dogs. It is said that Ashwagandha root, also known as Winter Cherry, effectively treats the symptoms of anxiety and depression the dog may feel. Rhodiola Rosea L. is an herb that is known to create a sense of balance and harmony which makes it more difficult for the separation anxiety to set in.