Home Remedy to Dry Up a Sore on a Dog's Face

Often your pet dog will have sores on its face that are not drying and your pet continues to injure the area. There are several home remedies that assist in drying sores on your dog's face.

  1. Treatments

    • Dogs often develop sores on their face from scratching at fleabites or other insect bites. These sores become infected and begin to puss if it not treated with a drying solution. Burow's is available at most drug stores and provides effective drying for sores. Spray the sores with Burow's at least two to three times a day to speed the drying. Additionally, boric acid functions as an antiseptic and helps healing sores. Dab a mixture of boric acid and acetic on the dog's sores to reduce pain and hasten drying.

      Surprisingly, black tea is a home remedy that helps to dry facial sores. Black tea is made up of tannic acid, an effective acid at drying sores from fleabites. Make sure that you have caffeinated black tea and the tea bag is not longer hot when you place it on the sore. Apply the bag directly to the face at least three to four times a day.

    Pain and Scratching

    • A crucial factor in drying sores is to limit the pain.The less pain, the less likely your dog will be to scratch and further irritate the sore. Calendula, which is a derivative of marigold, is a soothing solution that reduces pain. Boil the calendula in a bottle for about ten minutes to eliminate the alcohol. Make sure you have removed the bottle cap to prevent an explosion. Dilute the Calendula with water in a mixture that is fifty parts water and fifty parts Calendula. Use a cotton swab to apply the mixture to the sore.

      Use a medicine called, Armadillo Counter-Poison Pill, which is a product of Chinese medicine. For dogs under 15 pounds, the acceptable dosage is one pill a day. For larger dogs less than 50 pounds, use two pills a day. For dogs more than 50 pounds you can use three pills a day. The medicine helps reduce the itching sensation felt on the sore spots.

    Additional Remedies

    • Witch hazel, a product often used in tropical environments for mosquito bites, is effective at reducing scratching. It is a liquid that you can apply directly on the dog's sores. Use witch hazel a few times a day. Above all else, reduce your dog's flea infestation by obtaining a flea collar and bathing your dog frequently.