How to Give a Dog Pepto Bismol for Allergies

Pepto Bismol, the active ingredient in which is Bismuth Subsalicylate, is one of the few human, over-the-counter, medications that can safely be given to dogs. It can be effective in eliminating the pain and discomfort of an upset stomach in dogs, and dogs can take Pepto Bismol to relieve diarrhea and vomiting associated with food allergies. Keep in mind that Pepto Bismol is treating your dog's symptoms, and if your dog has a food allergy, the pet should see a veterinarian for a definitive diagnosis and treatment.

Things You'll Need

  • Regular-strength Pepto Bismol, liquid formula or tablets
  • Scales to weigh your dog
  • Syringe
  • Peanut butter or cheese (if using tablet form)


    • 1

      Select a Pepto Bismol product for your dog. Dogs should only be given the regular-strength liquid medication or the regular-strength tablets.

    • 2

      Weigh your dog. If your dog will not stand still on the scale, you can weigh yourself, then weigh yourself holding the dog. Subtract your original weight from your weight while holding the dog to determine the dog's weight.

    • 3

      Measure 0.5 ml to 1 ml of liquid Pepto Bismol for every 20 pounds your dog weighs. For example, if your dog weighs 60 pounds, you would give the pet 1.5 ml to 3 ml of Pepto Bismol. If giving in the tablet form, your dog would receive a quarter tablet for every 20 pounds the pet weighs. This means that if your dog weighs 60 pounds, you will administer three-quarters of a Pepto Bismol pill to the dog.

    • 4

      Squirt the syringe of medicine into your dog's mouth if you are giving him the liquid form. Roll the tablet form in peanut butter or cheese and offer it to your dog as a treat.

    • 5

      Administer an additional dose of Pepto Bismol to your dog six to eight hours later if symptoms persist or return.

    • 6

      Contact your veterinarian if symptoms haven't stopped two days after beginning the administration of Pepto Bismol to the dog.