Antifungal Cream for Dogs

Fungi is a plant-like organism which feeds off a host, such as a dog. Different types of fungi include mushrooms, yeast and mold. While some types of fungi are beneficial, others can cause mild to serious infections, which require veterinary care.

  1. Uses

    • Antifungal cream is a topical medication that is used to fight fungal infections. In dogs, creams are often used on the skin, but if recommended by a veterinarian, can be used on other, more sensitive areas of the body.


    • Signs of a canine fungal infection will vary based on the type of infection present. Some common symptoms include various types of skin lesions, which may be pus-filled, ulcerating, crusty or irritated.


    • Different types of fungi that potentially can infect a dog's skin include ringworm, malassezia (yeast), sporotrichosis and zygomycosis.


    • Different types of medications contain different active ingredients, so it is important to use the recommended cream for the dog's specific fungal infection. Some common active ingredients include clotrimazole, chlorhexidine acetate and miconazole nitrate.


    • Some canine fungal infections are highly contagious and can be spread between dogs and humans. If a fungal infection has been identified, all rooms should be cleaned with products specially formulated to kill fungal spores to prevent reinfection or spreading.