Canine Ocular Disease

Ocular is a term that refers to any disease affecting the eye. There are several different ocular diseases that affect our canine companions. If an eye disease is suspected, veterinary care should be sought immediately.

  1. Causes

    • Canine eye diseases can be due to a variety of causes including congenital defects, trauma, infections and part of the natural aging process. (Reference 2 - Glaucoma, Cataracts, Corneal Dystrophy, Collie Eye Anomaly, Retinal Dysplasia and Progressive Retinal Degeneration)


    • Signs of an issue with a dog's eyes might include a change in color or a cloudy appearance to the eye, abnormal discharge, dryness, impaired vision, visible lesions, bloodshot eyes and sudden blindness.


    • To confirm a diagnosis of any canine ocular disease, your veterinarian probably will perform several tests to rule out other underlying conditions, such as diabetes. He also will do a physical exam and various vision tests.


    • Depending on the type of ocular disease present, treatment will vary and can include medications such as pain management medications or antibiotics, prescription eye drops or surgery.


    • Common types of eye diseases affecting dogs include glaucoma, cataracts, corneal dystrophy, retinal dysplasia, progressive retinal degeneration, dry eye and conjunctivitis.