Fenbendazole Paste Dose for Dogs

Fenbendazole is a type of generic medication used to treat parasites or worms in dogs. The medication is available in a variety of forms, including a paste that contains 100mg of the drug.

  1. Types of Parasites

    • Fenbendazole is effective for the treatment of intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms and strongyles and lung parasites such as aelurostrongylus and paragonimiasis, reports PetPlace.com.


    • Fenbendazole paste can be given directly to your dog or mixed into its food. The exact dosage depends upon the brand of the paste and can be determined by your veterinarian.

    Time Frame

    • Febendazole paste is usually given to dogs for three days, reports PetPlace.com.

    Side Effects

    • Some dogs vomit after a dose of fenbendazole, and it is possible to notice dead worms in your dog's stool during treatment, reports PetPlace.com. In rare cases, febendazole causes severe allergic reactions in dogs.


    • Although fenbendazole paste is available without a prescription, you should consult your veterinarian before administering the drug, warns PetPlace.com.