Dog Food That Helps Epilepsy

Witnessing a dog having a seizure is frightening for the owner as well as the dog. The key with an epileptic dog is preventing the seizures in the first place. Diet plays a big role in controlling seizures.

  1. Causes

    • Epilepsy in dogs can be hereditary; some breeds are more susceptible to seizures than others. Seizures may also be brought on by environmental factors including allergies to household chemicals or even substances in the dog's food.


    • High quality, human-grade dog food that is meat-based with minimal grains and no byproducts is the best food for a dog with epilepsy. Grain-free options are also very well received by dogs and many times helpful in reducing or eliminating seizures.


    • Pure meat products that do not have added seasoning can also be given to epileptic dogs. Meat is very good for dogs and will not trigger a seizure. Several pure meat treats in dehydrated form are available for dogs.


    • Stressful situations can trigger a seizure in a dog, so lessening the stress load as much as possible in the dog's environment can mean fewer seizures.


    • If your dog has a seizure, a veterinarian should be notified immediately, particularly if it is a first seizure or if the dog is under a veterinarian's care for some other condition.