Back or Hip Problems in Dogs

Back and hip problems are common in dogs. Medical advances in veterinary medicine can treat such problems more efficiently than they did 10 years ago. The goal is to reduce the pain so the dog can enjoy a full life.

  1. Symptoms

    • The first sign that a hip or back problem exists is that the dog may walk wobbly or unsteadily. It may also limp or whimper in pain. In severe cases, there may be lameness in one or both hind legs.


    • Hip dysplasia, is when the hip and socket are not functioning properly, causing pain and stiffness. Breeds more prone to develop this are Great Danes, German shepherds, Labrador retrievers, and St. Bernards.


    • Problems with the back are normally seen in dogs that have long bodies with short legs, such as dachshunds, shih tzus, Pekingese and basset hounds.


    • There are surgical options for hip dysplasia and back problems, though sometimes they are not recommended. There are braces or a hind leg wheelchair that can be used in the case of lameness.


    • Keeping your dog from jumping on high furniture can greatly reduce his risk of getting back or hip conditions.


    • Lameness in one or both hind legs is an emergency, and a veterinarian needs to be seen at soon as possible.