Homeopathic Remedies for Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes inflammed. This painful condition is most common in obese and older dogs, and those who are fed high-fat diets. Depending upon the dog and the severity of the pancreatitis, it can either be resolved quickly, or it can be difficult to heal and can recur. Homeopathic remedies have been found effective in treating pancreatitis and can strengthen and support a dog̵7;s pancreas, liver and immune system.

  1. Homeopathic Remedies for Pancreatitis

    • The use of herbs in treating pancreatitis can help support the organs that are related to pancreatic function. Milk thistle can be effective in regenerating and restoring the liver when damage occurs. Yarrow can strengthen the pancreas, as well as reduce inflammation. It can also improve blood circulation to the organ. To help aid in digestion and reduce stress on the pancreas, use dandelion or burdock root. These remedies can increase bile and enzyme production in the liver, which can do some of the work for the pancreas. Echinacea and astragalus can strengthen the dog's body, especially if the condition was caused by a bacterial infection.

      Rescue Remedy, a product used by veterinarians to relax dogs, can also be helpful in resolving pancreatitis. Give a few drops to the dog four times daily. You can also make your own pancreatitis medication by boiling a small amount of fresh parsley, fenugreek and fennel seeds in a few spoonfuls of water for about five minutes. Strain the mixture and let it cool. Feed a few small spoonfuls to your dog four times a day. It is important to make a fresh batch each time. You can add the Rescue Remedy to this tea.

    Supplements for Pancreatitis

    • To help your dog get through pancreatitis, try giving him probiotics. Probiotics are the good bacteria that your intestines need in order to remain healthy and balanced. It also aids in digestion, which can be beneficial to the pancreas. Vitamins C and E can aid in inflammation and can reduce the severity of the pancreatitis. They can also help your dog recover quickly. Giving your dog digestive enzymes can also relieve the pancreas of some of its work and help to resolve the pancreatitis.