How to Remove Cortisol

If the levels of cortisone in your dog are too high, it has a condition that is called hyperadrenocorticism, or Cushing's disease. Most dogs with Cushing's disease have tumors on the pituitary glands, which causes the excess output of cortisol. A small amount of cases involve tumors on the adrenal glands. Fortunately, this disease is treatable and there are ways to remove cortisol from your dog's body and bring levels back down to normal.


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      Remove the tumor from the adrenal gland with surgery. Once the tumor is removed, the gland should produce the appropriate amount of cortisol again.

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      If the high cortisol levels are due to abnormalities with the pituitary gland, give your dog Lysodren. Lysodren works in conjunction with both the adrenal and pituitary glands to produce normal levels of cortisol.

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      If the Cushing's disease is caused by an adrenal gland tumor, administer trilostane to your dog. While this medication has shown to be effective, it can also be expensive.